Saturday, March 5, 2011


Geia sas chicas!
i've been busy with loads of homework, all of which involves math (which i am not very good at), it's been a major stressor and i'm worried about passing my advanced algebra class. I haven't done too many updates lately mostly because when i finally have a moment free i find myself collapsing on the couch or making myself working out. Most college students know how that is.
I think spring semester is the worst, it feels way longer & more draining than the fall...probably because where i live it snows all spring :'(

A main concern in my life right now is waiting to hear if i got into something i applied for but as much as i would love to tell you now i have a bad habit of jinxing things so i'll wait to announce it. Anyway just saving money for this & planning.

March has a lot of birthdays in it for my family including: my younger sister 18 on the 29th, & grandma 85 on the 10th.
 i've been eating;
yes i finally found the chocolate!

mmm with some flax seed & blueberries

rotini & Sriracha creations
Kalinixta/Καληνύχτα its off to work tomorrow!


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