Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Good Workout & A Good Snack

Geia sas everybody! Today I am sharing a workout video i like to use and a healthy snack to follow it. So 1st is the workout, its great for your legs & butt. I aslo like it because its not too overly long so you don't get bored or discouraged.
So what do ya think, will you use it? (The warm up is great) I incorporate it into my workouts about 4 times a week, sometimes 5. I have noticed my legs are looking a little more toned since i started using this video.
Next is the protein bar, Lara Bar is great because it has no preseervatives, no gluten, & its all natural. They also have a lot of different flavors. BUT the one drawback to the Lara bar is their price, @ around $1.12 a bar they arn't cheap. SO i was doing some research & came across a fellow blogger who happened to have a homemade recipe for bars. So i'm sharing it with you guys hoping that you'll like it. :)

Homemade Lara-type barsrecipe from Bunnyfoot check out her blog[she has a pic of the bar too]
makes 1 bar
1 Tbs dates, pureed
3 Tbs dry ingredients (nuts, dried fruits, coconut, oats, etc.)

Pit dates and whir in a food processor or mash by hand until they're one sticky mass. this will be the base, the "glue" that will hold it all together. to this base, add about 3 Tablespoons of finely diced dried ingredients - the nuts of your choice (almonds, cashews, pecans, hazlenut, etc.), dried fruit, oats, spices, etc. with your hands mix it all together and form into a tight ball. roll this ball into a rope and then pat it flat into a rectangle. tightly wrap in plastic wrap (the wrapping will help the bar hold it's shape as you further mold it) and apply pressure to the top using a flat surface - a cutting board works well. to shape the sides you can take two knives and apply pressure to opposite ends of the bars. refrigerate wrapped. for larger batches shape into a larger square, chill and cut into desired bar shapes with a very sharp knife.

tasty combinations:
almond coconut: 1 Tbs dates +2 Tbs almonds + 1 Tbs unsweetened coconut
almond spice: 1 Tbs dates + 3 Tbs almonds + 1/4 tsp each: cinnamon & nutmeg + 1/8 tsp ground ginger.
cranberry coconut: 2 Tbs minced dried cranberries, 1 Tbs unsweetened coconut

The trainer from the video also has a homemade protein bar recipe here it is:

So i hope you guys found this helpful/useful & i'll talk to you all soon!

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